Look for your deliverance here, finally!
Here I review four fantastic ebooks on Parenting each with a slightly different take on the issues and all of them very effective.
I start with the one I think is the Best Buy amongst the three. Then towards the end of this post I have compared the three on features and approaches. Happy reading.
May you be able to rid yourselves of the pain of handling the self-defeating habits of your children.
You HAVE the Panacea right here. Find more...
How To Build Rock Solid Kids by Keith Hafner
Keith Hafner runs a famous Karate school and from his experience of training 10000 kids in his school he has gleaned the principles that build a solidly stable character in kids. And the kernel of truth that he has discovered is encapsulated in this neat little ebook that is packed with solid advice. You will see your child transform right before your eyes as you implement his techniques. Karate, being an Eastern discipline is steeped in the classical traditions of an ancient system which instills discipline and the capacity to do hard work and to work the higher aspects of a successful life right into the mind and soul of the pupil. It is an upbringing you would crave for for your child.
He has identified
1. 12 fundamental traits that are must-have qualities in a child
2. and has devised methods to make the student imbibe and internalise them. He trains his students these methods on a daily basis.
In his ebook you will find the following:
* practical workbook exercises to practice the essential lessons.
* the six simple steps that will teach your child to be more focused and disciplined.
* how to lay down and enforce clear boundaries and rules
* Shield your child from and how not to be vulnerable to peer pressure strategies for building up self esteem
* Four steps that will convert discouragement into persistence
* Find what is the greatest asset that your child can be endowed with
* How to convert a lazy child into a self confident and active one
* Why does a child behave disrespectfully.
* Teach your child eye contact drills that would help him become more self confident.
* How to convert a timid child into a courageous and confident one
* How to make your child more responsible
The major advantages of this ebook is that
1. it is very readable written in a lucid style
2. has proven concepts that have stood the test of time
3. has step by step strategies that call for action NOW and
4. has concrete plans (workbooks and exercises) to practice and reinforce what your child learns
This book, How to Build Rock Solid Kids is definitely highly recommended as
- it has a long term focus,
- stresses character building in your child.
- and is based on an ancient system of mind control
This ebook is by Dr Noel Swanson who is a child psychiatrist and is in business for the last 20 years.
In his popular ebook you will learn the following:
* The exact reasons why children do what they do - and what you can do to change it
* The critical error most parents make when trying to stop bad behaviors
* Manipulation - understand the secret ingredient to this, and it will help you deal with your kids, your partner, even your boss and in-laws!
* A powerful technique that will eliminate whining, temper tantrums, and other annoying behaviors (p58). Use this at home, at your friend's, even when out shopping. It works like magic
* How to deal with lying, stealing, and other more serious "crimes"
* The two key elements to teaching responsibility
* How to analyse any specific behavioral problem and design a solution for it
* How to get your children to go to bed - and stay in it! (
* Behavioral strategies for children with ADHD, Asperger's syndrome and other specific difficulties. (129). No, they won't make the problem go away - but they will make life much easier for all of you.
* How to deal with kids who are bored - and it won't cost you a penny!
* How to get out of punishment mode and back into family FUN
This book is highly recommended as
- it is based on clinically proven methods that
- teach the parent how to successfully deal with their children
- to convert their negative behaviour patterns into healthy and positive ones.
Raise Your Kids Right The First Time Around by Martha Stevens is a practical guide to parenting which is based on one person's experiences in raising 5 children successfully while being divorced. And she hits the right spots so accurately that you have to hand it over to her. It is a straight from the heart method that strikes a chord immediately. She gets inside of what it means to empathise with your child and has almost a spiritual approach to dealing with your child.
She lays stress on two foundation stones for success:
- one is educating the heart both of the parent and the childand
- the other is centered around WORK and how to develop a strong work ethic in your child
Grab the F*REE REPORT on
"Teaching Kids To Follow The Rules"
and a special 7-email mini course on
"Teaching Kids Life Skills"
by Martha Stevens
Curb Your Kid by Greg Evans is for those of you parents who are especially burdened with extremely unruly kids. Ofcourse if you are not yet troubled badly by your kids running amok all over your house and your life, even then you can benefit by reading the various modules of this ebook by learning to prevent the occurrence of such problems in the future. This ebook provides targeted content on each of the troublesome issues facing a parent e.g. a child lying | stealing | fighting | abusing | cheating | throwing tantrums | being anti-social etc etc
Besides Greg Evans, adds immense value to his offering by throwing in plenty many additional bonus that you must check out here
Crack the following problems with focused and effective strategies for each
- lying
- stealing
- biting, thumb sucking
- bullying
- shoplifting
- daredevilry
- teenager not listening
- teen becoming 'adult' too fast
- handle peer pressure
- control internet exposure
- depression and substance abuse
The four books are focused on slightly different approaches in dealing with your child and the differences are as follows:
"Raise Your Kids Right The First Time Around" by Martha Stevens focuses on teaching the heart and how to focus on cultivating the 'work ethic' in the child.
"The Good Child Guide" is written by Dr Noel Swanson who is in the business of treating difficult children and helping their parents. And thus, his ebook is full of techniques clinically proven to succeed and is a scientific approach to the behavioural aspects of the parent-child and their relationships with each other and the outer world.
"Rock Solid Kids " approaches the same set of problems regarding difficult children from the perspectives emanating from an ancient school of thought embedded in the teaching of Karate. Keith Hafner has a very successful Karate school and Karate is as much a martial art as it is a mental disciplining system. It completely goes to the credit of Keith that he has been able to distil the learnings inherent in an ancient discipline for the benefit of building up solid character in children. It is a long term view and to my mind is the BEST of the three ebooks being reviewed here. Most Eastern disciplines being holistic in nature, Keith focuses on the child's overall development giving him a rock-solid basis to lead his/her life and helping her root out the negative influences that impinge on the child in today's world
"Curb Your Kid " is for the parent of an extremely unruly child or one who is afraid that her child could end up being unruly and unmanageable due to the influences that today's world thrusts upon unsuspecting children.
Those of you who'd rather depend on clinically proven systems would probably like to go with Dr Noel Swanson in his Good Child Guide.
And last but by no means the least, Martha's recipe does have immense value and that she has singlehandedly raised 5 successful children is itself a great tribute and testimony to the pearls of wisdom embedded in her exquisite ebook, Raise Your Kids Right the First Time Around. She also has a free ebook for you to sample.
The choice finally is yours.
Remember that there are a lot of resources on the web but the value for money that the above ebooks provide is immense. Try them out now. The time wasted in trying to figure out how to manage the exploding emotional tribulations of your child is definitely worth the few dollars you would pay for the invaluable and time-tested methods that would start working wonders for you in no time.
If you need some more time to decide try the following articles on parenting I have written where you would get the taste of what these ebooks contain
Teach Good Manners to Your Children
Effective Parenting Skills
The Heart of Parenting
Positive Parenting Skills
Happy Reading. See you soon.
And all the best for you and your children.